» PDF Clueless in Galilee A Fresh Take on the Gospels Audible Audio Edition Mac Barron Our Sunday Visitor Books
Hector Lott on Wednesday, May 22, 2019
PDF Clueless in Galilee A Fresh Take on the Gospels Audible Audio Edition Mac Barron Our Sunday Visitor Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 2 hours and 10 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Our Sunday Visitor
- Audible.com Release Date January 15, 2019
- Language English, English

Clueless in Galilee A Fresh Take on the Gospels Audible Audio Edition Mac Barron Our Sunday Visitor Books Reviews
- I ordered this book because I really enjoy Mac's humor on Catholic in a Small Town podcast, which he co-hosts with his wife, Katherine. The book delivers on the humor, but more importantly helps us to see Christ and the apostles as regular guys. I remember a priest telling me that the best way to reflect on bible passages is to put yourself in the scene. I've always struggled with this, feeling that I'm there as a fly on the wall, but not one of the central characters. Mac has succeeded in putting us right there next to Jesus. Buy it for the humor, but use it to deepen your faith.
- Just because the author is my husband, doesn't mean I can't leave a glowing review!
I got a chance to read this book before it was released. I purposely did not read it until it was finished and had such a good time. The premise of the book is to take a passage of the gospel and see it a little differently. Instead of seeing the disciples as men who we can't relate to, the Bible clearly shows how "knuckle-headed" they were sometimes.
Mac does a great job of taking some of these instances and helping us to see Jesus in a new light, while also getting to the heart of the teaching.
This is a great book if you have men in your life who find religious texts often boring and uninteresting. May get them to take a "fresh look." - Well, I finally got to finish Mac's book! Hope you check it out. Clueless in Galilee takes passages of scripture and helps us see ourselves. This is a great book for those who just aren't sure about the Savior, Jesus Christ. It made me laugh, out loud, a lot. And cry. (I cried more than once. I mean like a good, cleansing cry.) It's insightful and fun and sometimes downright serious. (Is that even possible for Mac Barron?🤔) Good job, Mac. I give it a four...and a half...bc the end kinda left me hanging.
- I have been a long-time listener to "Catholic in a Small Town", with Mac and Katherine, and bought this book, knowing that I would "get" Mac's sense of humor.
Was not disappointed! Fun, yet spiritually uplifting. While it may not be a "full meal" for your soul, it's a healthy snack! - Author Mac Barron takes the time to compile some of those thoughts - and a great deal more - that may have occured to you when listening to or reading scripture, about how the disciples of Jesus sometimes seemed to have a very hard time of getting through their thick skulls what it was that He was trying to teach them. This is a work that can easily be read in one sitting, or picked up and put down as a jumping off point for reflection, discussion, or further study. Barron brings a wry, contemporary sense of humor to his subject, as a convert, husband, father, educator, and man with little hair, without crossing the line into the profane when he writes about the sacred. This is the work of someone who loves God and seeks to serve Him by using his natural gifts of humor, insight, and common sense, all of which he has in abundance. This first book from him will hopefully be followed by others with an equally wry but reverent tone.
- A nice, light read. The author picked some Bible incidents --mostly New Testament, a few Old -- and points out the humor in them. Some of them fell a little flat, to me, but overall I enjoyed it.
- I enjoy Mac Barron's candor and his way of seeing the human side of people in the Bible. While sometimes I found myself thinking, "Did he really just say that?", but then in the next paragraph he would bring the more prayerful, serious tone back and give the reader a look into the bible with a respectful and honoring tone. A great read!
- This book is a rare treat. Not only did this book make me laugh out loud (a lot), it really helped me see the disciples in a new light. You do not need to be Catholic to fully enjoy this book. I have recommended this book to many of my friends. It is a quick read that leaves you thinking long after you have finished it.