» Ebook Our Lost Declaration America Fight Against Tyranny from King George to the Deep State eBook Mike Lee
Hector Lott on Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Ebook Our Lost Declaration America Fight Against Tyranny from King George to the Deep State eBook Mike Lee

Product details - File Size 1689 KB
- Print Length 240 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN 0525538550
- Publisher Sentinel (April 23, 2019)
- Publication Date April 23, 2019
- Language English

Our Lost Declaration America Fight Against Tyranny from King George to the Deep State eBook Mike Lee Reviews
- It's hard for some to comprehend that the "Deep State" consists of overlapping factions that cross lines of states, countries, departments, etc. Factions within our government over generations have stymied real Americans in myriad ways. Using research and verified sources rather than anonymous leaked rumors, the author makes a difficult to swallow subject more understandable. Those suffering from cogitative dissonance will often not be able to handle the truth of this material - at least not at first. However, the truth is the truth and once seen, it's obvious.
- Self reliance and individual freedoms are a completely alien and abhorrent concept to people on the left. Senator Lee makes an attempt to reach some of them who have reached a level of maturity that allow them to turn off their television, and think for themselves. Thank you, Senator Lee!
- Mike Lee has a captivating way of telling these forgotten stories. I am half way through this book and it delivers like "Our Lost Constitution," which I listened to on a road trip with my 13 year old son--who complained when we stopped for breaks because he was so captivated by it. Anyone who can take historical occurrences and show how they are relevant to today in a way that enlightens both the adult mind, as well as capture the attention of a young teenager with no attention span deserves a medal.
Lee also has a knack for unveiling how the "engine under the hood" works in the process, which is a vital sort of education that America is going to need if we ever hope to return to the stable, successful Republic we were handed in 1787. Plato's version of a republic that has replaced it, with its oligarchy, protective bureaucratic-class, and productive class which feeds it has become insufferable. I highly recommend this book and the others in the series if you want to remember the ideas that made the American experiment the most successful in known history. - Great book. We as a nation need to remember the sacrifices of the founders and reasonings of why we declared our independence.
- Another piece of propaganda designed to divide.
The “deep state†as described is actually the members of our government that have survived multiple administrations by being impartial and faithful stewards of our democracy. Vilifying career officials in DOJ who have spoken against this corrupt administration is a tactic to discredit their warnings.
Do t buy this book, don’t feed that narrative. - Great book, love the writing style of Mike Lee. Very informative and educational.
- It is a very informative book!! Everyone should read it!! Especially our younger children and Our young Adults! And it wouldn’t hurt for the Old Farts to read it too, to get straightened out on our Countries true History!
- Appears interesting. Looking forward to updating this review after reading